REVIEW - Wildcard (Volume 1) by Missy Johnson
| Book Title - Wildcard (Volume 1) That's the number of women I've shagged in the last twelve months. I'm Ryder Stevens. Don't pretend you don't know me. I'm a god. I'm hot, I'm British and I take what I want. I'm also the number one ranked tennis player in the world. But it's my off court antics that gain the most attention. I cruise through life, running from one scandal to the next. Hell I can't even take a piss without the world knowing about it. Rules? Who gives a shit? Rules are there to be broken and I'm the king of breaking them. But even the king can be bought to his knees. I'm sidelined with an injury that changes everything. Maybe my life isn't so perfect after all... |
| Missy lives in a small town in Central Victoria with her husband, and her confused pets (a dog who think she's a cat, a cat who thinks he's a get the picture). When she's not writing, she can usually be found looking for something to read. |
Welcome to Ryder's world where he is the King! He is a self centered, conceited, sexy smart ass womanizer. Tennis is his world and he is a superstar there! Unfortunately for him his off the court antics and trysts have begun to outshine his talent. He doesn't realize that can all change in the blink of an eye. An honest heartfelt letter from a young innocent fan gives him some food for thought. It the catalyst of a chain of events that can bring this superstar to his knees. Honesty, injury and a chance encounter puts his world in a tailspin!!!! Great beginning to this series, looking forward to the next installment of Ryder!!
Michele gives Wildcard (Volume 1)
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