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REVIEW–Love Brewing (Love Brothers #3) by Liz Crowe


Book Title - Love Brewing

Author - Liz Crowe

Stars - 5

Buy Link – AMAZON

A Family Saga with humor, heat and heart--not to mention beer, bourbon and basketball!

Every family has one—the black sheep, the problem child, the prodigal. But Dominic Sean Love could teach all of those guys a lesson or two. Stuck in the middle of a boisterous group of siblings, he’s given “acting out” a new meaning from day one.

While he’s the one son who follows his strict father’s footsteps into the Love family business, he’s also the one who butts heads with him the hardest. Their epic clashes are the stuff of family legend. But they have made peace and work side by side to take Love Brewing to the next level of success.

Until Dominic does the one thing his father can never forgive.

Diana Brantley has been Dominic’s friend, girlfriend and ex-girlfriend so many times she’s lost count. When he shows up at the farm she’s slowly transforming into a wildly popular farm-to-table resource for restaurants all over the U.S. her first impulse is to shoot first and ask questions later. But she doesn’t. And their lives entwine once more, for good, bad and ugly.

This is the third book in the Love Brothers series and I have to say its the best one so far. We finally get the story of Dominic Love. Liz completely had me wanting to pull Dom out of the book and give him the biggest hug with all the things this poor guy goes through in this book. I got all my questions answered as to why he might act the way he does and  why he never really settles down with no one. My heart was breaking so much in this book with all the craziness and 'no way she did not just do that' parts of this story. This so very much a must read book part of this really great series.

Lindsey gives Love Brewing

REVIEW–Sawyer by Nicole Edwards


Book Title - Sawyer

Author - Nicole Edwards

Stars - 5

Buy Link – AMAZON

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling indie author Nicole Edwards comes the seventh book in her Alluring Indulgence series, erotic romances featuring the Walker brothers from Coyote Ridge, Texas, and their sizzling-hot love interests.

Sawyer Walker has never run into problems with women. The female population tends to swarm toward him, in fact, and he’s never had a complaint.

But there’s one woman Sawyer has always had his eye on. A woman who won’t give him the time of day. In recent months, it would seem that Kennedy Endsley is opening up to Sawyer, but she’s got a few surprises in store for him. Because, as hard as she finds it to resist the handsome Walker brother, she won’t give in easily. Not when her heart is on the line.


It is official. I am addicted to the Walker brothers. These books are just so much fun, and I love the characters, from Laurie and Curtis to the boys to the women or men (or more than one) that they love. The best thing about the Walkers are their acceptance of others. The love who you love without judgement and the fierce way they protect each other is very heart warming. The parents are inspirational, if only everyone had folks like them, no kid would feel abandoned. This family just gets under your skin, I find myself rereading the other books a lot. I loved Sawyers book. He is the happy go lucky one in the family. He is the protector of his brothers. He has played it fast and loose with women, and has spent more than a few nights sharing women with his best friend Grayson. But he has had his heart set on the one he couldn't have for over 8 years. He has watched his brothers settling down and starting families and he wants that. Being in his mid thirties, the love 'em and leave 'em routine is getting old. He wants something more. And Kennedy Endsley is the one he wants. Unfortunately, they grew up together and when they were in high school, Sawyer and his jock friends were mean and bullied Kennedy because she was book smart and geeky. When she came home from college, she was a bombshell. But hurt lingers deep, and she could not forgive Sawyer. She knew he had changed, but she also did not want to be a notch on his belt seeing as he had screwed most of the women around there. She wants to be treated special, not a one nighter. Sawyer has his hands full convincing Kennedy that he is in it for the long haul. Other secrets come to light about the favorite people around them. And Travis, Kylie, and Gage are expecting their first child as well. The updates on the other Walkers are as much fun to read about as the two main characters. This book is just as great as the others in this series, so if you are a fan, you will not be disappointed! Only 1 of the twins is left unattached. I am not sure what I will do when this series comes to an end. There is a day I am not looking forward to. These hunky cowboys are just too yummy!

Heidi gives Sawyer

REVIEW–When Dreams Come True by M. Stratton


Book Title - When Dreams Come True

Author - M. Stratton

Stars - 5

Buy Link – AMAZON

What would you do if one day all of your dreams came true?

Melissa 'Lissa' Loring was a successful author. She was happy living in her home at the base of the mountains in Tucson with her assistant, Hannah Mills. First the phone call came; they wanted to make one of her books into a movie. Within six months, she was flying out to Los Angeles and talking with the studio about the final script and a list of actors to play the roles. Excited about her lunch meeting, she was shocked when her muse for one of the characters walked in and sat down at the table with her.

Will Martinsson was riding high on his fame and loving every minute of it. He traveled the world meeting his legions of fans and could pick which roles he wanted. When the script was presented to him, he read it and was intrigued. Then he found out that the author had modeled the character after him, so he searched out information on her and his interest was piqued. He told the studio he wanted in, but he also wanted to meet her before he would sign on the dotted line.

When two independent, successful people meet and have a strong connection, there is nothing they can do but see where the dream takes them.

I have been a fan of this author's other books, so when I heard she was writing a completely different kind of book, I had to read it. One thing I loved about this book is the fact that it is a very sweet love story. If you are looking for a story with romance, but not wanting to read erotica, this is perfect. One thing this author's stories do is not tell you every little detail. Much is implied, which allows the reader to fill in the details as they suit them. Yes, there is sex, but it isn't the focus and it isn't explained in detail. More of the focus is in how the characters feel when they are together, therefore, if explicit sex turns you off, this is a great read. I also loved how the main character is a writer of stories much like this author's own books. It makes it feel all the more real.
Melissa Loring is a successful writer living in Tucson, where she lives with her assistant, Hannah Mills. Her luck is looking up when her book is going to be made into a movie. Her world gets much bigger when her favorite movie star. Will Martinsson, wants to be in it. As they hit it off, their adventure takes them across the world, and she finds herself falling in love.
The characters are wonderful. Melissa is quirky and has self esteem issues, but she has a heart of gold. Will is every woman's fantasy, sexy, sweet, and he knows how to treat a lady well. His British voice is referred to as ear porn by the two ladies, and he is hard to resist. Their journey towards love is real and imperfect, endearing them to you. Hannah is slowly finding her own romance, but something horrible happened to her with her last relationship, so she stumbles a bit. The next book in this series will be her story and I can't wait to read that book. If you love a sweet, funny romance, this is the book for you. I really liked this lighter read, and I am sure I will read it again.

Heidi gives When Dreams Come True

REVIEW–Coach Love (Love Brothers #2) by Liz Crowe


Book Title - Coach Love (Love Brothers #2)

Author - Liz Crowe 

Stars - 5

Buy Link – AMAZON

A Family Saga with humor, heat and heart--not to mention beer, bourbon and basketball!

The smoldering intensity of first love ~ the forbidden fantasy of temptation ~ the cold hard facts of real life.

When one man’s hopes are dashed apart in a split second after years spent chasing a dream, he returns home to Kentucky furious at the world and everyone around him.

Kieran Francesco is the middle son of the volatile, tight-knit Halloran-Love family. His role as peacemaker and the one true athlete is well established. He now faces life devoid of the sport he adores after a horrific, career-ending accident, which places him in a new and entirely uncomfortable position: that of the brother with no future.

Over the course of a few tumultuous months Kieran is plunged back into life at the center of the Love family, where he must cope with one self-destructive brother, one ill-timed reconnection to an old flame and a series of bad choices that land him in more trouble than he’d ever known existed.

This is Kieran's story. After a career ending knee injury Kieran is back home trying to put his life back together and going to physical therapy, the Physical Therapist is his ex girlfriend from high school, he starts questioning his life and his choices, his current girlfriend and former girlfriend. These books have drawn me in and I really like them.

Connie gives Coach Love (Love Brothers #2)

REVIEW–Safe Love: A Love Brothers Companion Novella (Love Brothers #1.5) by Liz Crowe

Book Title - Safe Love: A Love Brothers Companion Novella
Author - Liz Crowe
Stars - 5
Buy Link – AMAZON

Antony Ian Love has a lot on his ample shoulders. He owns and runs a small business, is estranged from his teenaged daughter AliceLynn, his beloved mother is dying of cancer, and he's come face to face with his youngest brother Aiden's sudden reappearance into the Love family circle. Years of sublimating his true self in deep mourning for his long dead wife have hardened the surly, emotional shell he's nurtured, but one woman seems to have broken through. Rosalee Norris is the young widow of Antony's best friend Paul and their mutual sorrow and close friendship has slowly morphed into something more. Family therapist and recent divorcee Margot Hamilton is dropped into the close-knit Love family by necessity but fate has a real design twist in mind. With her heart and mind closed to anything resembling an emotional connection, Margot is shocked to discover something about Antony the very first time they meet--something she tries, and fails, to resist. SAFE LOVE, The Love Brothers novella is a tale of love's realistic complications within the saga of family devotion that runs as wide and deep as the Ohio River--except on Sundays when brothers Antony, Kieran, Dominic and Aiden work out their frustrations on the basketball court, Love brother style.

This might of been a short read, but boy did it fill in so much that we all had questions about when reading Love Garage. This book filled in all the questions about what was going on with Antony when Margot stepped into the Love family's drama. This is the perfect book to read after Love Garage while that whole story is fresh in your mind and will get you going 'Oh that’s what was going on'. Most of the questions about Antony & Margot's relationship start gets answered in this book.

Lindsey gives Safe Love: A Love Brothers Companion Novella

REVIEW – Inferno by Kathryn Kelly


Book Title - Inferno

Author - Kathryn Kelly

Stars - 5

Buy Link – AMAZON

I’m a rocker with the eyes of the world on me. Waiting for my triumph or my downfall…just waiting. Most of my life is in my hands. My destiny? That’s another story. My destiny isn’t as debt free.

My band, Phoenix Rising, arrives in Houston to cut a new album. Before we perform our first concert in the city and I choose my groupies of the night, I’m thrust into debauchery. Sleeping with a gorgeous woman twenty years older than me has its perks, especially when her husband orchestrated the encounter and eagerly watches. To me, performing is performing. If a man wants to share his wife, who am I to stop him?

Unfortunately for me, I don’t make a clean getaway as I leave the McCall mansion. Georgie, their sixteen-year-old daughter, is in the midst of her own intrigue, sneaking home in the middle of the night after an evening of drugs and sex with her older brother’s best friend. In her, I see me. She’s lost and drifting. Her hedonistic parents insist she’s old enough to make her own decisions. Instead of time and love, they give her money and things.

I’m a twenty-five-year old international superstar and I know better. I’m cocky and arrogant. I know it so I own it. Somehow, I’ve always bested the fates. I have all to lose—my reputation, my career, and my freedom. Her mother’s jealousy forces my hand and I take Georgie on the tour.

This is our story and our secret relationship and the destruction of my life. You know the adage about secrets? Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead. Wise words from a wise man. If only I had listened. Secrets have a way of revealing themselves in the harshest way.

This is story about the unusual meeting of reformed recovering rocker bad boy Sloane Mason, lead singer of the group Phoenix Rising, and Georgie McCall, a 16 year old foul-mouthed, unloved druggie. They have 2 strange meetings in 2 consecutive days, a party where she is so wasted she can barely stand/walk and the next night while he is sneaking out of her parent's house and she is sneaking in late at night again wasted( he was hired by Georgie's father to have sex with the mother, while he watched). She is a super fan and feels she loves him,he feels overprotective of her, because she is wreckless and out of control, her parents are too self-absorbed/self- involved to care. He brokers a deal to take her on tour with him as her protector,parent,and rule maker and to insure she gets educated- schooling/tudor.They have more than chemistry but she is underage and he tries to keep hands off, she acts out to manipulate him to put hands on. CONTROL!!! He finds out the only way to control her is to have some form of sex with her, leading to her giving him her virginity and having sex multiple times unprotected,( condoms were never in reach?) He knew if she got pregnant his life, career would all be over and jail would be in his future!! Worse than jail, is not being with, seeing her and caring for her while she is with his child! There is more back story and details within the story so read the book to get the rest!!! I enjoyed this book it was well written and the characters were well developed!! The author takes you on an emotional roller coaster throughout this book. I was given an ARC for an honest review from DRC's Review Team, Thank You Drue. Amazon release date March 10th.

Amy  gives Inferno

REVIEW–Rooibos Tea and Pink Kaolin Shampoo Bar Recipe by Lisa Maliga


Book Title - Rooibos Tea and Pink Kaolin Shampoo Bar Recipe

Author - Lisa Maliga

Stars - 5

Buy Link – AMAZON

Discover how to craft rebatch/hand-milled soap base into a unique and versatile shampoo bar for most hair types. Also includes a recipe for Rooibos tea and apple cider vinegar hair rinse.

This is an awesome book with such great ideas and recipes.

I have just started making my own soap and it is a fun thing to do but with the recipes Lisa Maliga has written in this book, bring on so many more ideas to try. People who are just into making soap it wouldn't take much to try this with the soap making.

Can't wait to try these and use these. So many options that can be done with this book. So worth the read and so worth the money to buy this! This will be a great companion to me in my adventure with soap and now shampoo.

Barb gives Rooibos Tea and Pink Kaolin Shampoo Bar Recipe

REVIEW – Silk: Volume 1 by K.M. Scott


Book Title - Silk: Volume 1

Author - K.M. Scott

Stars - 5

Buy Link – AMAZON

I want her. I crave her. She's my addiction.
The world knows me as Ian Anwell, New York Times bestselling author, but Kristina makes me want more.
Much more.

I need him. I love him. He's my obsession.
Everyone thinks they know Kristina Richards, but I'm more than what they see on the screen.
So much more.

I'm his muse, and this is our story.


I was pulled right into this short story. The story has laughs and heartbreak.

Ian sees Kristina on TV and starts watching all her movies. Not for the movies just to be able to see her. When he wants to meet her he finds out she is a fan of his. They meet for dinner that turns into more. He is an author and in need of a muse. Has he found his muse in Kristina? Or will he scare her away with his obsession of her?

I loved these characters and can’t wait to learn more about them. I felt I was able to connect with the characters and the story was a great read.

I highly recommend this book and can’t wait for the next story in this series.

Amy  gives Silk: Volume 1

REVIEW – Love Brewing (Love Brothers #3) by Liz Crowe


Book Title - Love Brewing (Love Brothers #3)

Author - Liz Crowe 

Stars - 5

Buy Link – AMAZON

A Family Saga with humor, heat and heart--not to mention beer, bourbon and basketball!

Every family has one—the black sheep, the problem child, the prodigal. But Dominic Sean Love could teach all of those guys a lesson or two. Stuck in the middle of a boisterous group of siblings, he’s given “acting out” a new meaning from day one.

While he’s the one son who follows his strict father’s footsteps into the Love family business, he’s also the one who butts heads with him the hardest. Their epic clashes are the stuff of family legend. But they have made peace and work side by side to take Love Brewing to the next level of success.

Until Dominic does the one thing his father can never forgive.

Diana Brantley has been Dominic’s friend, girlfriend and ex-girlfriend so many times she’s lost count. When he shows up at the farm she’s slowly transforming into a wildly popular farm-to-table resource for restaurants all over the U.S. her first impulse is to shoot first and ask questions later. But she doesn’t. And their lives entwine once more, for good, bad and ugly.

This is Dominic's book what a great book for me it really tied everything together in this series. You definitely get insight into Dominic's issues.  The author has tied together the past and present and ties together others in the family you know that there has to be more stories of the Love Family.  I for one would really love to read about the Love sister Angelique. I was gifted this book for a fair and honest review.

Connie  gives Love Brewing (Love Brothers #3)

REVIEW – Relent (Sydney Storm MC #1) by Nina Levine


Book Title - Relent (Sydney Storm MC #1)

Author - Nina Levine

Stars - 5

Buy Link – AMAZON

Evie Bishop grew up loving Kick Hanson. He loved her, too. They were inseparable. Best friends who looked out for each other. Until the day scandal hit their families and ripped everything apart, changing the course of all their lives.

Kick follows a dangerous path that leads him to the Storm MC where he spends his days buried deep in a violent and lawless world that is slowly consuming his soul. Evie works hard to escape the hopelessness that threatens to swallow her after her family is ripped apart. She builds a stable life for herself, however it's devoid of the one thing she has always longed for - Kick.

The love these two have for each other never wavers but sometimes in life, love isn't enough. Even in the times they find each other again, they can never make it work. Kick fights against bringing Evie into his world and Evie refuses a life with Kick if he won't fully commit to her. However, when circumstance throws them together again, Kick knows he must finally make her his. The trouble is, Evie's done. She loves him but she believes their chance to be together has long passed.

When Kick finally stakes his claim, will Evie relent and give their love another go, or has Kick left it too long to go after the woman who has owned his heart forever?

Relent is the first book in the Sydney Storm MC series. This is a spin off series to the Storm MC series. Readers do not have to read the Storm MC series to read this one.

I cannot say enough great things about this book. I loved everything about it. I loved the way the author showed that life long love does not always work out until its suppose to.

Evie and Kick have been best friends since they were kids, their families almost inseparable until one tragic event leads to another tragic event that rips the long time family friendships apart and starts a downward spiral for many members of both families. But Evie and Kick remained attached to each other until their own inner issues get in the way. Then yet another tragedy reunites Evie and Kick and that is when Kick realizes he can't live without Evie, but the road to happiness is not an easy one and both of them have to work hard to get there.

This book also had an underlying story of self doubt and low self esteem, due to many events in her life Evie just does not think very highly of herself, and Kick is just absolutely AMAZING at making Evie see, believe and feel her own self worth. What can I say, Kick is just......dreamy, he's not a billionaire, or a celebrity, in fact, he's actually a criminal, but even his criminal activities have a deep underlying meaning, he's the perfect book boyfriend as far as I'm concerned.

Drue gives Relent (Sydney Storm MC #1)

REVIEW – SEAL’s Honor by Elle James


Book Title - SEAL's Honor

Author - Elle James

Stars - 4

Buy Link – AMAZON

SEAL Reed Tucker doesn’t believe in commitment, until he tangles the sheets with one hot pilot, Delaney O’Connell. His phobia against commitment is challenged when his best friend asks Delaney to marry him first.

As a helicopter pilot for the 160th Night Stalkers, Delaney knows the risks of loving a SEAL. When her lover's friend loses an arm in battle, she can’t refuse his marriage proposal when he's already lost so much. In love with one man, pledged to marry another, she’s torn.
Tuck and Delaney must come to grips with the happiness they owe themselves and the happiness of their friend who has lost so much.

** spoiler alert ** I liked this book and was glad for the twist at the end. It totally caught me off guard. This is the first book I have read from this author and it won't be the last. The characters are well developed, to the point that I wanted to yell at Tuck to open his mouth and save himself. It is a fast paced book with Alpha males and a gutsy and sexy female pilot. If you love hot military guys and a sexy heroine, this is the book for you.
Delaney O'Connell (Razor) is one of the very few women pilots who fly the Seals into missions. She is Army, a pilot with the 160th. She is very career oriented and tries to not do anything that would hurt all her hard work. And sexy Seals are definitely something that could hurt her position.
Reed Tucker (Tuck) is a sexy Seal. He and his best friend Cory joined the military together and have come up through the ranks together. He is very interested in Delaney.
Cory Nipton (Reaper) is Tuck's best friend and a fellow Seal. He is interested in Delaney as well.
Delaney is on probation as he only female in command flying for the 160th SOAR. Her job is to fly the Seals into their dangerous missions. She has worked very hard for 3 years to get where she is. She knows that getting involved with a Seal would look very bad for her. Plus, she has been down this road before. She lost her future husband just a couple of weeks after they were engaged so she doesn't want to go there again. But Tuck was hard to resist. They had hooked up and she knew she had to put a stop to it. At a bar when they were all blowing off steam, problems arise when Cory asks her to marry him in front of the team. She does not give him an answer, but says she will think on it. Tuck is hurt by this, but does not tell his friend that they had been together. While they are deployed, a mission goes horribly wrong and Cory is hurt bad. She says yes to him to ty to keep him from dying, even though she loves Tuck, who is unable to tell her he loves her. When Tuck is invited to Cory's wedding, he believes his world is ending. The twists and turns of this book will keep you guessing right to the ending. This is a fun, sexy read.

Heidi  gives SEAL's Honor