REVIEW by Guest Reviewer Teri Lloyd of Love Garage by Liz Crowe


Book Title - Love Garage
Author - Liz Crowe
Stars - 4
Buy Link – AMAZON

A Family Saga with humor, heat and heart--not to mention beer, bourbon and basketball!

Antony Love is the quintessential responsible oldest brother of a boisterous, Italian/Irish family, placed in charge at a young age by his parents who are busy running the family business. He manages his siblings with a fair but iron hand, until his life is shattered by personal tragedy leaving him the shell of the man he once was.

When outspoken matriarch Lindsay Halloran Love becomes ill, the youngest brother Aiden shows up at Antony's garage, having dropped out of school (again), needing work and a place to crash. Antony provides both, with three caveats: "Don't smoke in my truck, don't be late for work, and don't mess with my girlfriend."

But Aiden Love, budding novelist, gets one glimpse of Rosalee Norris, young widow of Antony's lifelong best friend and all bets are off.

This is a story of family dysfunction, love, and family tradition. As I read this story I got a clear definition of the family dynamics that drove these people. Part of me wanted to scream because of the relationship issues but the other part said yep that is real because I have seen this happen.

Anthony and Aiden are the brothers that are the main characters in this book and they have other siblings as secondary characters; a sister Angelique, and two brothers Dominic and Keiran.

One of the huge questions that this story brings up is “Can you love two people at the same time and how do you know which is the right one to marry?”. The author does a great job of showing viewpoints from both Anthony and Aiden and includes Rosalee’s viewpoint on her love for both of them.

This is a HEA with a very surprising somewhat confusing ending so slow down as you read chapters 25 and 26 it will be worth your time.

I do know that the next book is called Coach Love and it looks like Keiran plays a large part in it. So I am heading over to read that book now. Enjoy reading this one and then come join on the next one.

I rate this overall a 3.75 stars due to some of the busyness in the story distracted me.

I was given this ARC for an honest opinion.

Guest Reviewer Teri of Sportochick's Musings gives Love Garage 3.75 Stars
See Teri's original review at her blog

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