Review – Shiv Crew (Rune Alexander 1) by Laken Cane

Book Title - Shiv Crew (Rune Alexander 1)
Author - Laken Cane  

Publisher - Self Published
Stars - 4

Rune Alexander wants to get through her days doing her job, which is protecting the humans against the myriad of supernatural creatures, known as Others, who exist uneasily in a human's world.

But she is unstable and damaged. She realizes how broken she is even as she continues to submit to the unspeakable things her lover does to her, craving desperately the strange peace she finds in the aftermath.

When she discovers things are not as they seem and a faceless human is torturing the supernatural groups in her city, she and her crew must break the rules and begin to protect the Others from the humans.

But as the darkness inside her becomes stronger and she ends up on the wrong side of a battle she must not lose, who will save Rune from herself?



This was an awesome book! We meet Rune and her crew, Jake, Raze, Z, Ellis, Levi, Denim and Lex who protect the humans from Others (non-humans). We spend the whole book trying to figure out who the bad guys are and it turns out the bad guys are the good guys and the good guys are the bad guys... what?! Yes it was a little confusing but along the way things begin to make sense and with every new chapter your love and admiration for Rune and her crew will grow I guarantee it. The most interesting part was finding out what Rune is, there are hints during the story but we don't get definite answers until near the end of the book. A really fun book if you're interested in paranormal, mystery and a hint of romance.



Christine gives Shiv Crew (Rune Alexander 1) 

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