Review-Shiv Crew by Laken Cane

Shiv Crew (Rune Alexander, #1) Book Title – Shiv Crew
Author – Laken Cane
Publisher – Laken Cane
Genre – Paranormal

Rune Alexander wants to get through her days doing her job, which is protecting the humans against the myriad of supernatural creatures, known as Others, who exist uneasily in a human's world.
But she is unstable and damaged. She realizes how broken she is even as she continues to submit to the unspeakable things her lover does to her, craving desperately the strange peace she finds in the aftermath.
When she discovers things are not as they seem and a faceless human is torturing the supernatural groups in her city, she and her crew must break the rules and begin to protect the Others from the humans.
But as the darkness inside her becomes stronger and she ends up on the wrong side of a battle she must not lose, who will save Rune from herself?

Author Bio Divider

Laken Cane  
I live in Ohio and I write urban fantasy. Laken Cane is a new pseudonym for me--I also write erotic paranormal romance for publishers like Loose Id, Ellora's Cave, and Liquid Silver Books under a different pen name.
Shiv Crew is my first book as Laken, and I've never been as satisfied writing as I am with this series. I have a sort of end game planned for the crew, but I have no idea how many books it will take to get there. I'm having too much fun with them to think about ending them!
I do have plans to bring in a new character for one book, just so she can eventually get her own series when (or maybe before) the Rune Alexander series ends. That's the plan.
Besides writing--when I have time to do something other than write or read--I play the heck out of my Playstation 4, my Nintendo 3DS XL, and occasionally I find time to play my Xbox 360 or Wii U. Yes. I have a sickness.

Review Divider
This was one crazy action packed book. There was always something happening to Rune and her crew. I liked how the author had all different types of "Others" aka vamp, werewolf, etc all in this story. I hope we find out more about Rune in the up coming books. I can't wait to see if the COS gets put into the ground where they belong. If your looking for a great book to read you need to pick this one up.
Lindsey reviewed

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